(June, 2016) Effective June 20th, Hartford Community Loan Fund moved into our expanded space at 215 Garden Street in Hartford’s Asylum Hill neighborhood. Ten years ago our organization expanded from a southend-only focus to a community development financial institution serving all of Hartford. A few years later our then-Board President Elly Jacobson led a search to identify a more central location better accessible to all Hartford residents. Elly saw the potential in a historic but sorely blighted property on Garden Street in the Asylum Hill neighborhood, now known as the Zunner Building at 207 Garden. After convincing the rest of her fellow Board members, Elly charged HCLF to partner with Asylum Hill non-profit developer NINA to develop a plan for the property’s complete rehab, a $2.4 million undertaking. Thanks to NINA’s hard work & vision, and multiple generous funding partners, the property now contains four incredible apartments, with retail opportunities on the first floor and HCLF offices on the 3rd floor. HCLF will complete our purchase of the property in July of this year. We hope you’ll come see us in our new home soon!
- Rex Fowler, CEO